Learn To Make Chili Seasoning Mackerel Dishes

What if today we make chili seasoning mackerel cuisine, definitely tasty. Let fish processed even when cooked it-it just right can be bored. Thus we created the menu is a little different than usual. We make a glowing red and arouse our appetite, willing to follow-up? This fish's famous delicious indeed already so yes we select only be home today.

But there are actually made me a little disappointed, because in my area pretty hard looking for the fish, let alone which is still really fresh. So basically the ingredients to prepare me a bit extra but hopefully later in accordance with the results obtained. Fingers crossed the whole family can be happy with the dish we make today. If you guys are no trouble finding fresh mackerel fish then you guys are very lucky.

For menu side this time we won't be too bothered to set it up. This is because how chili seasoning makes this mackerel is not difficult. In General consists of two stages of processing that is frying the fish fry seasoning and then create that will disiramkan on top of fried fish. So instead of kebayang the process of cooking it how?

If the material is not much to be prepared, the main Yes fresh mackerel fishes and don't forget lemons. While the herbs are not too elaborate because only use seasoning salt, onion and chili. Now we prepare the seasoning and ingredients used to be.

Ingredients chili seasoning mackerel
  • 500 gr of meat fish mackerel
  • 2 bh lime, grab some water,
  • 1 tsp salt
  • cooking oil for frying and sautéing

The spices coarsely mashed
  • 250 gr of curly red chili
  • 10 bh onions
  • 1 tsp salt

If the materials and bumbunya ready Yes live started in sports. The first fish to clean, prepare the seasoning, FRY, prepare topping, last serve. Kok easy, but so as not to get confused and wrong-wrong step better we follow the steps how to make fish such as mackerel below.
  1. Rub the fish with some lime juice and salt, let stand 15 minutes, drain.
  2. Heat the cooking oil, enter fish mackerel, fried until cooked and dry browned. Lift and drain.
  3. 6sdm heat cooking oil, stir-fry seasoning mixed rough until fragrant, give the rest of the lime juice, stir well.
  4. Enter the mackerel fish, stir well, Cook briefly, lift. Serve with warm rice.

Easy isn't it, yeah hopefully mackerel fish Recipes Chili seasoning on top could be an additional option for simple culinary can we serve everyday. When it's finished cooking just bebenah we stay clean Cookware. Don't forget, tomorrow we are going to create yet another surprise menu, so stay with me here, ok.
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